Monday 5 November 2012

Women in The Kite Runner

In the first 13 chapters of the kite runner, women do not really play a huge role, which ties in with Afghan women at the time, as they were hidden and opinions not heard. They didn't play a huge part in society when the Taliban came into power, as they were not allowed to leave the house without male supervision and had to be covered at all times when they did go out. There is one women in the novel though, that is a contrast to all of these things, Hassan's mother Sanaubar. She is called "beautiful", and we are told that men gravitated toward her. This is going against a rule that the Taliban put in place, as they said that women should be covered at all times, and not be sexually appealing. She also went out without a male in her presence, just 5 days after her son Hassan was born, breaking another rule.

The women on the truck when Baba and Amir are escaping Afghanistan is symbolising the objectification of women. She is used as a trade for getting past the border, it is stated that they will not go any further until a guard has half an hour with her in the truck. She is wearing "an olive green dress and black shawl wrapped tightly around her face", which is abiding by the Taliban dress code, in contrast with Hassan's mother. She also is not given a name, just referred to as "the young woman", which shows that no detail about her is needed, just the use of her. Baba however, stands up for her, which shows that it is only a male which can do this, women are that disrespected in society that they cannot even stand up for themselves. This scene also shows how common it is for sexually acts or rape to be carried out in Afghanistan, as it is only Baba that really stands up for the young woman, nobody else is very shocked or outraged that this is going to happen. I think it's more that Baba feels they are taking advantage of the woman, as they have already paid to be on the truck, and feels it would be unnecessary for the guard to have any time with her.

In chapter 11 we meet Soraya, who is the first female character in the novel that is talked about in detail, and is of great importance to Amir. She is very intelligent and is always there for Amir when he needs her, so this seems quite motherly. She may be acting like the mother figure Amir never had, due to her passing away during childbirth, so Soraya may make up for the fact he did not have a female figure in his childhood. She is also very into Amir's writing, and that's how they really first bond, as she reads one of stories. The two decide to get married, but shortly after this, Baba falls ill with lung cancer. She becomes Baba's carer, and as in Afghan culture women are not allowed to deal with male doctors, she takes on the responsibility. Amir seems very trusting in Soraya, as when he goes to visit Rahim Khan in Pakistan, she is left alone, without a dominant male with her. In Afghanistan culture, the male would have to go out with the woman whenever she left the house, and make sure she was dressed appropriately, so maybe the culture clash of moving to America has brought some western views of female oles into Amir's mind.

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